Faculty and board

The Who’s who at VCA


Mrs. Becky Bradshaw -

K-2nd Grade Teacher

Mrs. Bradshaw is a mother of three grown children, and a grandmother of five grandchildren. She loves her family and truly enjoy every minute spent with them—they make her heart happy. She graduated with a degree in Mathematics Education in 2010, and has taught Kindergarten, 4th & 5th grade, and 7th grade math. She believes whole-heartedly in Christian Education, and can’t wait to see what great things the Lord has in store for VCA, and the upcoming school year!

Mrs. Darcy Barraclough -

3-6 Grade Teacher

Darcy Barraclough started her classical education journey by homeschooling her three children, from kindergarten through college acceptance. During this time, she also gained valuable experience teaching grammar level classes and mentoring parents at a Christian classical academy.
Before diving into classical education, Darcy pursued her passion for geology, earning a bachelor's degree in the field and working in the mapping industry. It was during this period that she met her husband, Craig.
After successfully guiding their children through their educational paths, Darcy decided to continue her own academic journey. She completed a Master of Science degree in Academic Advising, aiming to enhance her knowledge and skills in supporting and fostering rewarding educational experiences.
For Darcy, partnering with parents and young individuals in their pursuit of academic excellence is not only an honor but a source of joy. Her approach to teaching is Christ-centered, emphasizing the importance of equipping students with skills for life. Outside of her professional life, Darcy and her husband, Craig, love spending time in the great outdoors and enjoying visits from their children, family, and friends.

Mr. Bo Hutches -



Bo was born and raised in Springfield, CO, graduated from Adams State University, and has lived in Alamosa, CO for over a decade. He is the husband of Jenna and the father of three children. He has had a wide range of jobs and vocations ranging from Trip Coordinator at the Adams State Adventure Program to five years pastoral ministry with blue collar work sprinkled all throughout. As the oldest of 4 brothers, he has always found himself starting and leading things he found to be interesting like Bible studies in highschool and college up to today being one of the founding board members of Veritas Christian Academy. 

He is passionate about Classical Christian Education and seeing this type of education brought to Alamosa and the surrounding SLV community.

The founding board

Founding board members pictured left to right on VCA’s very first day of school August 14th, 2023: Andie Bussen, Kenan Bussen, Elizabeth Wiescamp, Christian Wiescamp, Amber Salazar, Stacy Davis, Jenna Hutches, Bo Hutches. Board Members not pictured: TJ Salazar and Mic Davis.

A short history of VCA

In July of 2021 an informational meeting was held at Living Water Bible Fellowship in Alamosa, CO to see if there was any interest about starting a Christian school in Alamosa. About 40 people attended that meeting expressing their desire to be directly involved in or support the school in some way. From those 40 people a core team was established for those who wanted to take the next step and really be involved in the planning of the school. This handful of core people committed to working on the initial steps of the school became the founding board of VCA.

From August 2021 to August 2023 the founding board prayed, researched, debated, discussed, and strategized the type of school VCA would become. Mission and vision statements were drafted, education models were researched and considered, documents were written and re-written, and meeting upon meeting was held to take the intangible desire for a Christian school and make it a tangible reality. For two years the board connected with other schools, set up informational booths at local events to spread the word, crafted job applications and interviewed applicants, and event made the balloon arch that students walked through on the very first day of school at VCA.